Reface: Murals transform.
The power of visual art combined with familiar locations has the power to transform everyday sites, whether thriving or old and forgotten, into a community centerpiece - and experience - that can even inspire new socioeconomic and cross-cultural activity; community action and connectedness.
>>>DINA SAADI - Artist & muralist based in Dubai
With visual arts-based community initiatives, the incentive is always there to change unused property and forgotten urban locations into creative and artistic hubs that people a place to share, create and transform the local culture. Even small areas of any neighborhood could serve as a tool to bring people together, revitalize a community and create empathy and awareness around social issues throughout the city's diverse population.
>>>Shinique Smith - Artist
Ageing architecture and forgotten locations become brilliant public canvases, inspiring a sense of pride and place as people rediscover these places in the community through the art and artists vision.
>>>Annatomix - Birmingham based artist
Placing inspirational works in obscure but heavily travelled urban locations can also be an opportunity to send surprise messages of inspiration, catching people when and where they least expect it.
>>>Nelio Riga - Urban Art, Abstract Art
The power of murals also has incredible educational value, with their ability to act as local documentation and historical storytelling.
>>>Nelio Riga - Drawing and painting workshop with 5-8 years old kids
The best community representation in these works is always most powerful when created with collective input for the communities represented and the people living in the areas where the work is created, and creates work for local artists.
>>>El Xupet Negre - graffiti artist
Art is a gift we all have and arms us with the power to co-create our communities and collectively steer ourselves into better futures.